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To all honorable Myanmar revolutionaries

A message from the YPG and YPJ self-defense forces in Rojava toward the Myanmar’s resistances forces

In January 2021, in Myanmar, a coup d'état led by the military junta brutally halted the democratization process initiated a few years earlier. Mass protests were drowned in blood. Hundreds of the young people leading the demonstrations headed into the jungle and the countryside, where they came into contact with ethnic armed struggle organizations. The latter had already been fighting for several decades against the central state and the denial of their right to autonomy. In December, the YPG/YPJ self-defense forces sent a message of support to the resistance in Myanmar, responding to a previous message of solidarity with the revolution in Northern and Eastern Syria by the Karenni Nationalities Defense Forces, which we published in the previous issue (#12). Since then we received the sad news that the commander Sayar Richard, who was the main responsible for organizing the solidarity message, fell martyr along with 20 other comrades as a result of an air strike. As editorial committee of Legerin we express our solidarity with their families and with all the Karenni and Myanmar people in struggle.

Şehȋd nemirin


We salute you with our belief that building a free society is possible through the leading role of women’s freedom and the brotherhood of peoples, which will create a more beautiful world. Therefore, with all determination and resolve, we will wage this struggle in the name of all humanity, and on this basis we send you our greetings filled with love and respect.

The perspective and paradigm of Leader Öcalan, represented by democratic civilization and the organization of self-administration, which is based on the will and joint representation of both sexes away from the tools of power such as the state and others, and on the model of Democratic Confederalism, has the ability to solve all issues related to freedom for the twenty-first century. This perspective sheds light on the authoritarian relationship of man over others, man over nature, and also the authority of men imposed on women as basic issues, and therefore, as much as they are analyzed, the power of solving them becomes clear. On the basis of getting closer to equality and balance in nature, the reality of women's and men's freedom will be able to thwart all policies of dictatorship, fascism and gender, and by solving peoples’ issues, it will transform the world into a situation in which free life can be lived.  Our struggle depends on these principles, and based on this concept, the meaning and value of our joint struggle with you is more important than anything else.

The fascist Turkish state carries out illegal attacks on our people and our land on a daily basis, amid international silence towards it. Therefore, we strongly reject the policies of the dominant powers that use the Turkish state as a stick against us. We appreciate your message, which shares our pain and supports our steadfastness. Your supportive and solidarity stance increases our strength and determination, and we thank you very much.

The crisis that the state and authority systems are experiencing creates problems and deepens them day after day. The forces of power attack the people in brutal and fascist ways to prevent the people from building their free spring. In fact, these authoritarian regimes sharply attack people, women, oppressed people, minorities and cultural identities, whether in the military field or in the ideological, political and social fields, and in this way they try to hinder the struggle for freedom.  They repeatedly try to turn the lands of oppressed peoples into battlefields, so that they can hinder democratic developments on the one hand, and on the other hand exploit them as tools for settlement and conclude new agreements with dominant countries. Despite this, with the struggle for freedom that has been ongoing for nearly 50 years, led by Leader Öcalan, and with the Rojava Revolution led by women, the democratic revolution of the people has gained the opportunity to define itself. As we fought against ISIS, we were able to stop the racist conflicts that turned into civil wars between the peoples of the region. With the option of a shared life of peoples, which we define as the “Democratic Nation,” the necessary steps have been taken to realize this ideal. The capitalist hegemonic powers and regional states that oppose our revolution are relentlessly launching genocidal attacks against the Kurdish people. Our ideological approach and model, which has a perspective to solve all the problems of the people, frightened the dominant powers, and as a result we are subjected to such attacks in front of the eyes of the whole world.

You, the people of Myanmar, have multiple identities and cultures, and you also have many strong democratic dynamics. Therefore, they are trying to control you and suppress you using the methods of the fascist and military junta. Because you have revolutionary knowledge and have the opportunity to spread freedom and democracy throughout the region and the world, they are trying to hinder you with these offensive methods. While we carefully follow your struggle, we condemn and reject the world's silence against the oppression, dirty war and illegal attacks carried out by the fascist military junta against your people.

To repel these attacks, you can organize yourselves more quickly and protect your legitimate rights in accordance with the principle of "self-defense." Despite your limited capabilities, we welcome your sacrificial attitude with great admiration and respect. The multiplicity of national identities in Myanmar reveals the fact that it can be an example of the unity of peoples for the freedom of the region and the entire world. Your society has strong characteristics that are compatible with the “Democratic Nation” project. You will be able to protect your own identity on the one hand, and you will be able to express yourselves as a participatory group on the other hand. On this basis, with this strength, your demand for freedom and your continuous struggle, you will be able to thwart the plans of capitalist countries.

We define women's freedom as the essence of society's existence. In this sense, we as the YPG and YPJ approach it strategically and we have an army built on this basis. In your letter, you highlighted the importance of organizing women in the army, and women have a prominent role in your struggle, and this is of great value to us as well. We believe that women's freedom, insofar as it resolves gender conflict, can liberate society, and based on this we send our special greetings to all revolutionary women in Myanmar.  We all believe that the struggle based on the principles of women's freedom will inevitably win and has the ability to liberate the entire society. The organization and philosophy of Free Women represents the conscience, resistance, and will of society.  Accordingly, we have full confidence and belief that your legitimate cause will certainly prevail in building a free and dignified life.

We share the same feelings towards your struggle, and we also see your steadfastness and resistance against the ruling regime in the country, and to the extent that we stand in solidarity with you, we can provide the required support and assistance. We, as the defense forces, will organize the strength of the people's struggle through the strategy of "Revolutionary People's War" with tactical expertise that will eliminate the enemy's fascist techniques. Through our belief in freedom, we will fight the war of freedom with all resolve and determination until the end. We will not retreat from it in any way, and we will transform the values of freedom that we represent together into a way of life. In order for this revolution to turn into a regional and global revolution, we will fight and struggle until the end and we will definitely win.  With this pride and determination, we salute you once again and believe that you will defeat the fascist junta and any form of dictatorial regime. On this basis, we wish you victory in your struggle, and you have all of our respect.

With our revolutionary greetings and respect

10 November, 2023

General Command of the YPG and YPJ


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